
Jag vet inte om några utav er diggar serien vampire diaries, men eftersom jag gör det och för att jag älskar vissa saker som sägs i programmet tänker jag lägga upp mina favorit citat! Dom som aldrig sett serien osv kan ju typ sluta läsa ^^

Damon - "What's so special about this bella girl? Edward's so whipped!
Caroline - "You've gotta read the first book first. It won't make sense if you don't.
Damon - "I miss anne rice. She was on it."

Elena - "I think there's something he dosen't want me to know, which makes me wanna know all the more.
Matt - "Like he's a serial killer and keeps a clown suit in his trunk?"

Damon (to stefan) - "Is it skunk? Saint bernard? Bambi?"

Tyler - "Screw you, dude."
Damon - "Dude? Really? Dude!?!?"

Stefan - "what are you doing?"
Damon - "she's been couped up in your room all day, she's not anne frank."

Damon - "why are you so mean to me?"
Lexi - "Have you met you?"

Damon - "Stefan smiles, alert the media!"

Damon - "I'll adopt the stefan diet, only nothing with feathers."

Damon - "We're a team. We could travel the world together. We could try out for the amazing race!"

Damon - "it's not like we all hang out together at the vamp bar and grill."

Alaric - "First person account of the civil war? that's like porn for a history teacher."

Alaric - "I made a few discoveries about your town.
Stefan - "So you show up like Van Helsing?"

Stefan - "You've met damon."
Alaric - "who do you think killed my wife?"

Stefan - "Anna took Elena."
Damon - "Yeah I got that from your 600 voicemails."

hehe haha aah, mycket damon osvosv. Men jag älskar han i serien. Den bästa, emofniss.

JAOP. onödigt inlägg.
Whatever jag har tråkigt efter att ha sisådär städat rummet i 3 timmar :-)))))
tjing eller nå


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